Filament Navigation Groups: Main Things You Need to Know


Filament allows you to group navigation items. In this tutorial, let's see all the options and how they look visually.

Navigation items can be grouped by specifying a group name in the $navigationGroup property on the resource or custom page.

protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Shop';

Of course, you may want to change the order of the navigation groups. The order can be set in an array using the panel's provider's navigationGroups() method.


Groups can be customized further, for example, by adding an icon or making them collapsed by default.

Icon can have only a group or navigation item. Icons cannot be set for both.


If you don't want some groups to be collapsible, you can set them using the collapsible() method.


Or, you can turn off collapsible for all groups globally.

return $panel
// ...

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