Custom Table Column with Star-Rating


In Filament tables, you can show whatever you want using a custom ViewColumn. Let's see how we can show a rating by showing stars.

When you have a rating count, you can show the stars by using a ViewColumn and passing the view.

use Filament\Tables;
use Filament\Tables\Table;
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...

This assumes that the View file location is resources/views/filament/tables/columns/rating.blade.php.

The value of the Model attribute in the View file can be obtained using $getState().

In the View, we can first make an if check to see if the state is blank and if it shows a placeholder message. Otherwise, using a for loop, we can show a star icon from the heroicons.

$state = $getState();
<div class="flex">
Not Rated
@for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++)
'text-gray-200' => $state < $i,
'text-primary-500' => $state >= $i,
<x-icon name="heroicon-s-star" class="w-6 h-6 pointer-events-none" />

Here's the result:

As an alternative, you can use mokhosh/filament-rating, which has fields for form, table, and infolist.

This tutorial's code comes from our Project Example Product Star-Based Rating with Custom Popup

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