Wealthfolio Table Styling With Custom Columns

In this project, we tried to recreate table styling from open-source project Wealthfolio, using Custom Columns for badges, bold fonts, and multi-line cells with colors.

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How it works

The inspiration for this table is from an open-source project wealthfolio.

We were trying to reproduce the look of this table:

  • First column with badge
  • Bold fonts where needed
  • Two lines in one column cell, with colors

The whole table logic is in the HoldingResource Filament Resource. For the market history, we have a simplified version, saving only the current and previous month's values in the database.

For the first column holding name, we added a prefix badge. To add a badge, we used the awcodes/filament-badgeable-column plugin.

To have a black color for the badge it was registered in the Service Provider.


use Filament\Support\Colors\Color;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Filament\Support\Facades\FilamentColor;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
// ...
public function boot(): void
'black' => Color::hex('#000000'),

The market_value column is calculated in an Attribute and shown in a slightly bold font weight.


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
class Holding extends Model
// ...
protected function marketValue(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => $this->market_price_current_month * $this->quantity,

Both the market_value and market_price_current_month columns are formatted using Filaments money() helper.

In this example we will use custom Filament Table Columns feature and create a column that does it's own calculations.

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