Filament: Student/Employee Attendance Management Form

We can create all sorts of custom pages with Filament view components, including complex forms. In this example, we use Table, Button, and Checkbox components to create a custom View and match Filament Style.

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How it works

First, we need a new Filament Page:

php artisan make:filament-page Attendance

This will create a Livewire component and a Blade view for us.

Now, let's start by adding our Month selector. For this, we will:

  • Store our selected date in a public property with the #[Url] attribute to make it available in the URL.
  • On mount, we will set the selected date to the current date.
  • Create a method for the previous, current, and next month.
  • Create methods to navigate to the previous and next month.


use Carbon\Carbon;
use Filament\Pages\Page;
use Livewire\Attributes\Url;
class Attendance extends Page
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';
protected ?string $maxContentWidth = 'full';
protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.attendance';
public ?string $selectedDate = null;
public function mount()
if (!$this->selectedDate) {
$this->selectedDate = now();
protected function getViewData(): array
return [
'dates' => $this->getDates(),
public function getDates(): array
$currentDate = Carbon::parse($this->selectedDate);
return [
'previous' => $currentDate->copy()->subMonthNoOverflow()->format('F Y'),
'current' => $currentDate->format('F Y'),
'next' => $currentDate->copy()->addMonthNoOverflow()->format('F Y'),
// ...

Next, we will build:

  • Month switching
  • Custom Table with Checkboxes
  • Custom data saving
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