Maps are essential to show distances, places, and other points of interest. However, adding Google Maps to Filament can be challenging, as you have to add custom JavaScript code.
We have a simple shop resource to add, edit, and delete shops.
Google Maps API key is set in the .env
This env is set in the config/services.php
'google' => [ 'maps' => [ 'key' => env('GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY'), ],],
To show a map, we use a custom page. In the mount()
method, we get all the shops, cast them to an array, and assign them to a $shops
use App\Models\Shop;use Filament\Pages\Page; class Map extends Page{ protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-map-pin'; protected static string $view = ''; public array $shops = []; public function mount(): void { $this->shops = Shop::all(['name', 'lat', 'lng'])->toArray(); }}
Next we will work with JavaScript to display the Map box and put all shops as "Pins".